Learning from Norway: Reconstituting hope in our justice system
January 4, 2023
“Recently, 13 Connecticut justice system stakeholders joined the University of Connecticut’s Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP) on a fact-finding mission to Norway to explore their correctional service system, which is generally regarded as being the most humane and effective in the world.”
IMRP Heads to Norway for Look Inside Prison System Seeking to ‘Create Good Neighbors’
February 23, 2023
“On a trip to Norway to visit its prisons and consider what Connecticut could be doing differently, something as small as a holiday work party was indicative to the delegation from UConn of a stark difference between the two systems.”
CT policymakers visit Norwegian prisons to learn best practices
“Over the past decade, Connecticut has been able to cut its prison population in nearly half and criminal justice advocates say that number can go even lower if you think of corrections as rehabilitation. That’s why a group of Connecticut policy makers and thought leaders toured prisons in Norway to learn best practices. Our Accountability Project tagged along to see what the group learned.”